WOrkshop SUmmary

The "Flip-the-Script" workshop, designed as a follow-up to our "Beautiful Struggle" show, builds on the inspiration from the assembly to help students apply its lessons to their own lives. In this one-hour session, students will gain practical tools for building resilience and character, helping them in navigating personal challenges. The workshop includes a guided worksheet to assist students in crafting their own personal life mission statement, turning inspiration into actionable, personal goals.

“There’s this student, she’s been struggling for the entire year. That was the first time that I’ve seen her feel brave and feel the confidence to get up and speak for herself. From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for providing that opportunity cause it made such a difference in her life, honestly. ”

Teacher at St. Dominic School

 “I left the classroom feeling refreshed and confident in who I am. I have always had trouble being myself and usually spend time comparing myself to others around me. Now, because of your encouraging words, I am more comfortable being myself.”

Grade 7 Student at Holy Family School

Showcase Videos From The “Beautiful Struggle” Show